Advanced Nurse Practitioner (ANP)
Donna Bradshaw (f) — Advanced Nurse Practitioner
The practice employs an advance Nurse Practitioner to be able to examine, assess, make diagnoses, treat, prescribe and make referrals for patients who present with undiagnosed/undifferentiated problems.
An ANP is a Registered Nurse with additional training for performing tasks – such as diagnosing and prescribing – which are customarily performed by a Physician. A Registered Nurse is educated to Masters Level in Advanced Practice, and assessed as competent in practice using expert knowledge and skills. They have freedom to act and make their own decisions in the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of those in their care and are capable of independent practice in a variety of settings. Their role will be tailored not only by their training but their clinical experience as Senior Practitioners. In General Practice, ANPs can consult and work independently but will consult medical colleagues when they need advice.
Nurse Practitioner (NP)
Joyce Daka (f) — Practice Nurse
The practice employs a Nurse Practitioner who is responsible for running the health promotion clinics. These include holiday vaccinations, travel advice, cervical cytology, well woman and well man checks, lifestyle, diet and exercise advice, flu/pneumococcal vaccination and childhood vaccinations.
Nurse Practitioners are qualified to see patients with undifferentiated and undiagnosed medical problems, and to make detailed assessment of their health care needs, based on their combined medical and nursing knowledge, including clinical skills that you may not have traditionally associated with nurses, such as history taking, physical examination, diagnoses, and prescribing of medicines. Nurse Practitioners can also directly refer patients to clinical specialists, such as hospital consultants.